NTR Share House: A Unique Co-living Concept

NTR Share House

Are you looking for a new and exciting way of living in Tokyo? Do you want to save money, make friends, and enjoy your freedom? If so, you might want to consider NTR share house, a type of shared living that is becoming increasingly popular among young professionals in Japan. In this article, we will explain what NTR share house is, why it is popular, and what are the benefits and challenges of living in one. We will also provide some tips and advice on how to find and choose an NTR share house that suits your needs and preferences, and how to make the most of your NTR share house experience.

What is NTR Share House?

NTR share house is a term that stands for “Netorare“, which means “to be taken away from” in Japanese. It refers to a type of shared living where you rent an individual room but share the common areas like the kitchen, living room, and bathrooms with other tenants. The main feature of NTR share house is that the residents are not interested in romantic relationships with each other, and are free to date or hook up with anyone outside the house. This creates a clear boundary and fosters a platonic cohabitation environment.

NTR share house originated from the concept of “share house”, which is a common form of shared living in Japan, where people live together to save money and enjoy a sense of community. However, some people found that living in a share house could be problematic, especially when it comes to romance. For example, some people might feel uncomfortable or jealous when they see their housemates dating or bringing someone home. Some people might also develop feelings for their housemates, which could lead to awkwardness or drama. To avoid these issues, some people decided to create a new type of share house, where romance is strictly off-limits among the residents. This is how NTR share house was born.

NTR share house has some distinctive characteristics that set it apart from other types of shared living. For instance, NTR share house usually has a higher ratio of male to female residents, as some women prefer to live in a more secure and comfortable environment. NTR share house also tends to have more rules and regulations, such as no overnight guests, no loud noises, no smoking, etc. These rules are meant to ensure the safety, privacy, and harmony of the residents. NTR share house also has more social events and activities, such as parties, outings, games, etc. These events are designed to promote friendship and fun among the residents, and to help them cope with the stress and loneliness of living in a big city.

Benefits of NTR Share House

NTR Share House

Living in an NTR share house has many advantages, such as:

  • Lower rent costs: One of the main reasons why people choose NTR share house is to save money on rent. Living in Tokyo can be very expensive, especially if you want to live in a convenient and comfortable place. By sharing the rent and utilities with other tenants, you can reduce your living expenses and have more money to spend on other things.
  • Built-in community: Another benefit of living in an NTR share house is that you can enjoy a sense of community and belonging. Living alone can be lonely and isolating, especially if you are new to the city or have a busy schedule. By living in an NTR share house, you can have access to a network of people who share similar interests, hobbies, and lifestyles. You can also have someone to talk to, hang out with, and support you when you need it.
  • Independence from traditional contracts: A third advantage of living in an NTR share house is that you can have more flexibility and freedom than living in a regular apartment. Most NTR share houses do not require a long-term contract, a deposit, or a guarantor. You can move in and out whenever you want, as long as you give a notice in advance. You can also choose the room size, location, and amenities that suit your preferences and budget. You can also change your room or house if you are not satisfied with your current situation.

Challenges of NTR Share House

Living in an NTR share house also has some challenges, such as:

  • Less privacy: One of the main drawbacks of living in an NTR share house is that you have to sacrifice some of your privacy and personal space. You have to share the common areas with other tenants, which means that you might not have enough room to store your belongings, or to do your own activities. You might also have to deal with noise, mess, or smells from other tenants. You might also have to compromise on your sleeping schedule, your bathroom time, or your kitchen usage.
  • Potential conflicts: Another challenge of living in an NTR share house is that you might encounter some conflicts or disagreements with other tenants. Since you are living with strangers, you might have different personalities, habits, opinions, or values. You might also have different expectations or preferences about how to live together. For example, you might disagree on how to clean the house, how to divide the chores, how to pay the bills, etc. These conflicts can cause tension, stress, or resentment among the residents.
  • Shared responsibilities: A third challenge of living in an NTR share house is that you have to take on some responsibilities that you might not have to deal with if you live alone. For instance, you have to follow the rules and regulations of the house, such as no overnight guests, no loud noises, no smoking, etc. You also have to respect the boundaries and preferences of other tenants, such as not entering their rooms, not using their things, not disturbing them, etc. You also have to contribute to the maintenance and management of the house, such as cleaning, repairing, reporting, etc.

How to Find and Choose an NTR Share House

If you are interested in living in an NTR share house, you might wonder how to find and choose one that suits your needs and preferences. Here are some tips and advice on how to do that:

  • Do your research: The first step is to do some research on the available NTR share houses in Tokyo. You can use some websites that list NTR share houses, such as [NTR Share House] or [Share House Japan]. You can also use some online platforms that connect NTR share house seekers and providers, such as [Roomshare] or [Sharely]. You can also ask your friends, colleagues, or acquaintances if they know any NTR share houses or have any recommendations.
  • Compare your options: The second step is to compare your options and narrow down your choices. You can use some criteria to evaluate and rank the NTR share houses that you are interested in, such as:


How convenient and accessible is the NTR share house? Is it close to your workplace, school, or other places that you frequent? Is it near public transportation, shops, restaurants, or other amenities? Is it in a safe and quiet neighborhood?


How affordable is the NTR share house? How much is the rent, utilities, and other fees? How does it compare to other NTR share houses or other types of accommodation in the same area?


How comfortable and spacious is the room that you are going to rent? Does it have enough storage space, furniture, appliances, or other facilities? Does it have a window, a balcony, or a view? Does it have a lock, a key, or a security system?


How well-maintained and equipped is the house that you are going to live in? Does it have enough common areas, such as a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, or a laundry room? Does it have enough amenities, such as a TV, a Wi-Fi, a fridge, a microwave, or a washing machine? Does it have a cleaning service, a repair service, or a management staff?


How compatible and friendly are the residents that you are going to live with? How many are they, and what are their genders, ages, occupations, or backgrounds? What are their hobbies, interests, or lifestyles? How often do they interact, socialize, or organize events? How do they handle conflicts, problems, or complaints?

  • Visit and inspect: The third step is to visit and inspect the NTR share houses that you have shortlisted. You can contact the NTR share house provider or manager and arrange a viewing appointment. You can also ask if they have a trial period or a free stay option, where you can stay in the NTR share house for a few days or weeks before you decide to move in. When you visit and inspect the NTR share house, you should pay attention to the following aspects:


How does the NTR share house look like from the outside and inside? Is it clean, tidy, and well-decorated? Does it have a good atmosphere and vibe? Does it match the photos and descriptions that you saw online?


How is the condition of the NTR share house? Is it new, old, or renovated? Is it in good shape, or does it have any damages, defects, or malfunctions? Is it safe, secure, and fireproof? Does it have any pests, mold, or leaks?


How do you feel about living in the NTR share house? Do you like the room, the house, the location, and the price? Do you get along with the residents, the provider, and the manager? Do you have any questions, concerns, or complaints?

  • Make your decision: The final step is to make your decision and move in to the NTR share house that you have chosen. You should weigh the pros and cons of each option, and consider your needs, preferences, and budget. You should also trust your intuition and feelings, and choose the NTR share house that you feel most comfortable and happy with. You should also communicate with the NTR share house provider or manager, and confirm the details of the contract, the payment, and the move-in date. You should also prepare your belongings, documents, and other essentials that you need to bring with you.

Tips and Advice for Living in an NTR Share House

NTR Share House

Once you have moved in to your NTR share house, you might want to follow some tips and advice on how to live in an NTR share house. Here are some of them:

  • Establish boundaries: One of the most important things to do when living in an NTR share house is to establish boundaries with your housemates. You should respect their privacy, personal space, and preferences, and expect the same from them. You should also communicate your expectations and needs clearly and politely, and avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts. You should also keep your romantic life separate from your NTR share house life, and not involve your housemates in your dating or hooking up activities.
  • Respect rules: Another thing to do when living in an NTR share house is to respect the rules and regulations of the house. You should follow the rules that the NTR share house provider or manager has set, such as no overnight guests, no loud noises, no smoking, etc. You should also follow the rules that the housemates have agreed on, such as how to clean the house, how to divide the chores, how to pay the bills, etc. You should also be responsible and accountable for your actions, and not cause any trouble or inconvenience to the house or the housemates.
  • Participate in activities: A third thing to do when living in an NTR share house is to participate in the social events and activities that the house or the housemates organize. You should join the parties, outings, games, or other fun activities that the NTR share house offers, and enjoy the friendship and fun that they provide. You should also initiate or suggest some activities that you are interested in, and invite your housemates to join you. You should also be open-minded and friendly, and try to get to know your housemates better, and learn from their experiences and perspectives.
  • Build relationships: A fourth thing to do when living in an NTR share house is to build relationships with your housemates. You should treat your housemates as your friends, not as your rivals or strangers. You should be supportive, helpful, and caring, and offer your assistance, advice, or comfort when they need it. You should also be respectful, honest, and trustworthy, and not lie, cheat, or betray them. You should also be positive, cheerful, and humorous, and not complain, criticize, or gossip about them. You should also appreciate and celebrate their achievements, milestones, or special occasions, and share your own with them.


NTR share house is a unique co-living concept that is becoming increasingly popular among young professionals in Tokyo. It offers many benefits, such as lower rent costs, built-in community, and independence from traditional contracts. It also has some challenges, such as less privacy, potential conflicts, and shared responsibilities. If you are interested in living in an NTR share house, you should do your research, compare your options, visit and inspect the NTR share houses, and make your decision. You should also follow some tips and advice on how to live in an NTR share house, such as establishing boundaries, respecting rules, participating in activities, and building relationships. By doing so, you can enjoy a new and exciting way of living in Tokyo, and make the most of your NTR share house experience.